The persecution of Christians is not something that we only read about in history books. Reports of executions, censorship, financial threats, and other hostile actions toward believers are becoming more common each day. What options do Christians have when responding to hostility or persecution other than simply turning the other cheek? Standing Firm: A Christian Response to Hostility and Persecution explores that question, providing Scripture-based guidance for speaking about and responding to a culture that is growing increasingly hostile to Christians.

“There are a number of movements advocating for Christianity’s marginalization if not its extinction,” says Dr. Adam Francisco, associate professor of history and political thought at Concordia University Irvine. “The real persecution Christians will face in the future will be much more formal. It will come from the state, will challenge the church legally and financially, and will be driven by an ideological secularism. It is already happening. . . . It could—and probably will—grow worse. This book will be helpful to navigate the future.”

Standing Firm explores a sampling of recent and current examples of persecution and hostility toward Christians, first looking for commonalities and then drilling down deep past the surface to examine the roots of hostility toward Christians. This sets the stage for an in-depth discussion of how Christians today can respond when confronted with persecution or hostility.

In Standing Firm, readers will explore topics such as these:

  • When does hostility turn into persecution?
  • How can examples from Scripture improve our understanding of persecution?
  • What are God’s priorities, and how do they motivate Christians?
  • How does God support and encourage us in times of difficulty?

For more information on Standing Firm, or to schedule an interview with the author, please contact Lindsey Martie, Public Relations, by phone at 314-268-1303 or by email: A free, downloadable Bible study is available at to accompany the book.

About the Author

Dr. Jesse Yow is a creative technical manager, entrepreneur, and author with leadership experience in mission-driven program development. He serves on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Commission on Theology and Church Relations. Dr. Yow is also the author of Faith and Science in a Skeptical Age (2014, Concordia Publishing House).