How far would you go to protect and preserve the Word of God? Simon and the Messengers are willing to risk their lives. Are you? In The Messengers: Concealed, the second installment in Lisa M. Clark’s series The Messengers, Simon and the Messengers find that their lives are in more danger than ever.

Concealed “continues drawing deep, eloquent connections between the historic Christian Church and the modern life of believers,” says librarian Elisabeth Tessone. In Concealed, Simon and the Messengers fight to bring to light the truth they have found. The government, however, wants the Message to stay buried and is willing to stop at nothing to conceal it.

To order or learn more about The Messengers: Concealed, visit For more information on the author or to request a review copy, please contact Lindsey Martie, Public Relations, by phone at 314-268-1303 or by email

What People Are Saying

Clark’s strengths shine in how she lays out complex pillars of faith in a way that makes it easy for teens to understand the Bible. Simon and his close band of friends are noble characters for readers to root for, but are still flawed enough to be believable, and their dialogue reflects their always transforming faith. Overall, fans of this series will not be disappointed; Concealed delivers its theology with grace and its story with teeth. In this current day, where the future seems particularly nightmarish,Concealed is brimming with a much-needed hope, a hope in things unseen.

Colleen Oakes, author of the best-selling Queen of Hearts Saga

Lisa Clark’s continued tale of faith under persecution is at once timely and timeless, driving Simon Clay and the rest of us to a fuller understanding of the apostle Paul’s confession about life on this earth: “To live is Christ; to die is gain.”

Katie Schuermann, author of the Anthems of Zion series and musician

It was with great anticipation that I read Lisa M. Clark’s second book in The Messengers series. In Discovered, I had been introduced to Simon Clay and the Messengers, and their stories drew me into a world where the value of the Word is far greater than what I give it in my everyday life. It was a compelling and convicting book. In Concealed, Simon’s journey continues as he learns more about the truth he so boldly shared, and begins to realize the consequences of his boldness. Those consequences bring the greatest challenge he has yet to face: forgiveness.

Eden Keefe, Vice President of Christian Life 2013–17, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

Simon Clay’s faith in Christ is dangerous. Ironically, the government has been saying that all along, and they’ll kill you to show you how seriously they mean it. Fresh off Simon’s very public confession of his faith following on the heels of his own recklessness, Lisa Clark’s Concealed adjoins the reader to Simon’s struggle with the faith that puts those whom he loves in great danger. Concealed is a worthy continuation of The Messengers series and a welcome release for all those who have joined the Darkness.

Timothy Koch, pastor at Concordia and Immanuel Lutheran churches, reviewer at


About the Author

Lisa M. Clark is an editor and writer. As a former high school teacher, she has great respect for teenagers and enjoys engaging with them about God’s Word. She has a bachelor’s degree from Concordia University, Nebraska, and a master’s from the University of Missouri, St. Louis.