Whether the table is set with the good china, covered in toddler spills, or tucked in the corner of a small apartment, the Lord invites His people to come and be filled with His good gifts as they gather. In his new book, Come and Be Filled: Feasting with Jesus in His Word, author Kristopher R. Whitby explores this by reflecting on eleven meals throughout Scripture and the lessons God teaches. Readers will learn the lengths Jesus goes to to invite His people to His table and what it means to share together in the blessings of Christ.
“When followers of Jesus are present at a meal, Jesus draws near and takes His place at the table,” Whitby writes. “He comes both to bless the actual food and to bring His Word of witness through us to touch the lives of those around the table with His abiding grace and presence.”
Throughout the book, Whitby takes readers to eleven tables. They will gather with the disciples as Jesus teaches them about welcoming others and seeking the lost, with God’s people as they eat His Passover meal each year, with fellow believers at the Last Supper, and more. Through these examples, Whitby deepens readers’ understanding of the grace our Savior extends to those who dine with Him and shows them how He continues to set a place for all to come and be nourished in His love and in community around the table.
“Again and again, Whitby takes us to the goodness of the Lord in food, tables, and meals, always enlightening the promises of God in Christ, even when we make a mess,” says Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss, president of the LCMS Northern Illinois District. “The Lord is good, and this book is good. You’ll be glad you read it!”
Visit cph.org/feast for more information about the book. Contact Erica Sontag to schedule an interview with the author.
Praise for Come and Be Filled
With Come and Be Filled, Kristopher Whitby has taken a unique and compelling approach to the grand narrative of salvation history. The theme is so common: meals, an everyday event. At the same time, the theme is so profound: how communal eating and drinking are woven throughout Scripture, highlighting important aspects about God and His covenant people. Carefully crafted with well-chosen illustrations and insightful biblical analysis, Come and Be Filled is a deeply satisfying read. Bon appétit!
Christopher Kennedy, senior pastor, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care; author of Equipped and Unfailing
Rev. Kristopher Whitby draws on meals, tables, and food to bring us some rich teaching (Law and Gospel) from the inspired stories of Scripture. He writes as a caring and thoughtful pastor with an engaging style, relevant illustrations, and his own personal wit. As I was reading the book, Psalm 34:8 kept coming to mind: “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Again and again, Whitby takes us to the goodness of the Lord in food, tables, and meals, always enlightening the promises of God in Christ, even when we make a mess. The Lord is good, and this book is good. You’ll be glad you read it!
Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss, president, LCMS Northern Illinois District
The chapters of this book will open your eyes—and heart—to what it means when you pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest . . .” As you read and consider how meals shared in Scripture affected the participants, you will also be invited to consider how they affect you. Come and be filled with the bounty of our Lord’s grace, told in an engaging and relatable way. Thank you, Rev. Whitby, for this invitation to linger at the table. And don’t skip dessert!
Eden Keefe, president, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Come and Be Filled is a profound exploration of the spiritual significance of shared meals. This book beautifully illustrates how Jesus’ presence transforms ordinary gatherings into moments of grace and connection. Through biblical accounts and personal reflections, Rev. Whitby invites readers to experience the joy and depth of dining with Jesus, making every meal a sacred celebration. A must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and relationships around the table.
Rev. Dr. B. Keith Haney, assistant to the president for Mission, Stewardship, and Human Care, LCMS Iowa District West
About the Author
Rev. Kristopher R. Whitby served for twenty-four years as a parish pastor, both in Florida and Illinois. In his years of pastoral ministry, Kris was honored to serve as the national LWML pastoral counselor as well as the Northern Illinois District’s North Region Vice President. He has been blessed to host the radio talk show Faith Talks and serve as a volunteer chaplain for the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers during the days following 9/11. Pastor Kris now serves on district staff as assistant to the president—Mission and Ministry in the Northern Illinois District. He and his wife, Marguerita, enjoy their son and daughter, their daughter- and son-in-law, and the three grandchildren the Lord has provided them, as well as board games, theater, and improv comedy.